A Project 365 Challenge Blog
Expect (at least) one photo every day for all of 2010 and watch as I capture moments of my and my family's life and improve my photography skills.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 015

Valentine's Day photo shoot!

I got a lot of cute ones and a lot of bad ones.  I took over 150 shots.  Some were cute but not what I was looking for technically.  Hopefully I can get some to their full potential in PSE7 when my sister sends it to me :)  So, these have not been edited.  At the very least I will be blurring out the edge out of the glass with the background and also the few wrinkles in the background.  I plan to print one as part of our V-Day decorations :) 

(35mm lens, 1/160 sec., f/1.8, ISO 400, no flash)
I chopped his hand off in a funny spot, unfortunately.  But I love the face.  Maybe I will crop it so it doesn't look so awkwardly chopped...

(35mm lens, 1/100 sec., f/2.2, ISO 400, no flash)
Not quite as sharp as I would have liked.

(35mm lens, 1/200 sec., f/4, ISO 400, flash with Lightscoop)
Not only am I hand chopper, but I'm also a toe & slight head chopper!  This was (obviously) later in the day and I was fixing dinner.  I guess Seth didn't want to wait because he grabbed this can and the can opener all by himself and went to town.  He was unsuccessful in his attempts at opening, though.  Apparently he did not notice the pull-top ;)

1 comment:

  1. This coloring is better. I like the second and third one more than the first
