A Project 365 Challenge Blog
Expect (at least) one photo every day for all of 2010 and watch as I capture moments of my and my family's life and improve my photography skills.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 012

Today I did Week 2 of 12 Weeks to Better Photos.  It was on shutter speed.  The camera said my exposure was all wrong for the second pic, but I didn't want to use the flash and in order to get comparable pics, it was just the way it had to be.  Hey, they said to use shutter priority mode! :)  In some ways, I like the exposure better of number 2, anyway.  I'm trying to learn how my camera sees exposure and if it routinely makes photos too light or too dark.  All in good time!

(35mm lens, 1/80 sec., f/3.5, ISO 200, no flash)
Water in motion.  And, I think, overexposed.

(35mm lens, 1/1000 sec., f/1.8, ISO 200, no flash)
Water mostly frozen.  And better exposed.