A Project 365 Challenge Blog
Expect (at least) one photo every day for all of 2010 and watch as I capture moments of my and my family's life and improve my photography skills.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 005

So today I did the weekly challenge for week one of Twelve Weeks to Better Photos.  This week was basic aperature.  I think I already understood it pretty well, but taking more pictures and playing around with settings more can only help :)  I do wish that my new 35mm lens had come in the mail already since it goes down to f/1.8 wheras my kit lens that came with my Nikon D60 (18-55mm) only goes down to f/3.5, and only at an 18mm focal length.  The longer your focal length, the higher number/smaller the aperature.  So it made the exercise hard.  But I worked with what I had and still managed to convey the point and learn from the lesson, I think. 

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(35mm focal length, f/22, exposure time 2.5 sec., ISO 800, no flash)

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(35mm focal length, f/8, exposure time 1/4 sec., ISO 800, no flash)

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(35mm focal length, f/5.3, exposure time 1/8 sec., ISO 800, no flash)

I like the detail and the lighting and the colors in all the pics, I think :)  I wish that ugly chair had not been there, though.  I guess there's only so much room in my house.

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