A Project 365 Challenge Blog
Expect (at least) one photo every day for all of 2010 and watch as I capture moments of my and my family's life and improve my photography skills.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 003

I learned today that the photos I take with an ISO of 800 or greater look way too grainy.  I didn't think intense graininess started until ISO 1600, but apparently my 800 photos capture it all too well.  Live and learn.  At least I know, and now I can learn more about it and improve.

I used the Lightscoop for these pictures too and am surprised it worked as well as it did (it was pretty dark in this room), since our ceilings are, like, at least 15 feet high.  I think that the slower shutter speed had something to do with it, but I'm still new at this, so I don't know.  I'll have to experiment with it more :)

(18-55mm lens at 35mm, f/5.3, SS 1/30 sec., ISO 800, flash with Lightscoop)
Not great composition (what with the couch and whatnot not centered in the background), but it is a snapshot type photo.  I need to work on my composition period, but especially in snapshot type photos.

(18-55mm lens at 26mm, f/5, SS 1/30 sec., ISO 800, flash with Lightscoop)
Composition is no bueno.  Maybe a bit overexposed.

(18-55mm lens at 18mm, f/5, SS 1/30 sec., ISO 800, flash with Lightscoop)
Watch out train city!  Composition is better, considering it's a snapshot without a perfect background.  I think it's a fairly good photo, considering I'm new to all this.

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