A Project 365 Challenge Blog
Expect (at least) one photo every day for all of 2010 and watch as I capture moments of my and my family's life and improve my photography skills.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 034

The park!  This is my first time shooting raw.  This was my favorite picture.  I processed them in Lightroom (3 beta).  I took 85 pics at the park today and only liked/processed *7*!!  I know some of that was due to an unwilling subject, but geez.  Sort of hurts, you know?  On the bright side, I've learned I love shooting in raw and I love Lightroom.  I'll definitely have to ask for it for my birthday.  I think the colors look really nice in this photo, no?

35mm lens, 1/160 sec., f/4, ISO 100, no flash

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